We look forward to you exhibting at PLASA Focus Leeds 2025! But first, to ensure your team receive all of the email communications you need, please confirm your main contacts for each department. If they are not currently on our database, upon submission of this form, we will add them to the PLASA Focus Leeds 2025 exhibitor mailing list . Please allow us up to 5 working days to update our records. * Please confirm your trading name This is the company name that will appear on our marketing platforms e.g. emails, website, floorplan etc. Please provide the contact information for the people in your team who are responsible for marketing and operations at PLASA Focus Leeds. (If this is you, please enter your own details). * Marketing first name * Marketing last name * Marketing email * Operations first name * Operations last name * Operations email * Please confirm you have permission to subscribe these team members to the PLASA Focus Leeds exhibitor mailing listI confirmThis field is required. CAPTCHA As an anti-spam measure, please type the characters you see in the image (case sensitive). Submit